Your Trusted Partner in Due Diligence, Continuous Monitoring, and Background Checks

Intelligo combines artificial intelligence with expert analysis to generate a 360° view of any person or company with unparalleled speed and scope.

Our Partners

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“In our business speed and accuracy are essential. Intelligo gives us thorough insights into an individual within hours of requesting the report.”

- Head of Operational Due Diligence at Hamilton Lane

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“Intelligo's in-depth coverage and reliable results add tremendous value to our decision-making process. We feel confident moving forward knowing that our due diligence efforts reduce our risk exposure.”

-Cameron Willcott, Compliance Counsel at Techstars

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In the Press

Background Checks Reveal the Hidden Risks at Asset Managers
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AI-driven background check startup Intelligo raises $22M
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This Company Could Have Saved Fyre Festival Investors Millions
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These Companies Leverage AI To Disrupt Background Checks. Yes, AI is a big part of it.
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Intelligo is using AI to make background checks relevant again
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